• 383 422 139
  • Ve Škalí 324, 388 01 Blatná
  • po - pá: 6:00 - 14:30


Since 2012, has company Blatenské strojírny Blatná s.r.o.  successfully passed quality management system certification according to ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016 and ČSN EN ISO standards 3834-2:2006.Our target is clear orientation to the customer, satisfying his needs and requirements. The basic document of the quality management system is the Quality Manual. In addition, it owns a Certificate for the execution of steel structures according to ČSN EN 1090-2, including the production of aassembly for execution class EXC3. Obtained certificates are used in commercial and technical relations with customers, content of documentationthis system and its principles are known and respected by all employees of the company.

We hold a certificate of professional competence as a designer of machinery installation, issued by OBÚ Plzeň.